Key Reasons to use Stride ERP for Bookkeeping & Accounting

Dear business owner,

This article will change the way you view your business, and ultimately transform your business for the better – if you will hear what I have to say.

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Finance is the most crucial topic to anyone running a business, as the state of your finance will determine the state of your business.

It is no longer a secret that not every employee has your best interest at heart; while some want to steal from you and device means to accomplish that, others may never willingly covet your finances but may do so in the case of negligence on the part of the business owner. I mean – how will you notice that Mr. ABC stole from the accounts you don’t even know how much money goes in and comes out daily.

Well, you might think the daily basis thing is too much, but you ought to know if you strive to create a sustainable business. Okay, maybe not “know” per se, but have a record that is available to you at any time, any place, any day.

They say information is power, but I dare say that there is nothing powerful about wrong, erroneous, or mutilated information. Of which if you are to analyze, you will come to see that your business is a victim of one if not all of aforementioned.

Having a tool that gives you accurate information and in real-time, now that is power. Trust me with this power, you can sleep well, and be rest assured that no category of employee will dare mess with your money.

How do you then get this power I speak of?

Scorch in, let me let you in on this secret that many business owners are not aware of, especially small-sized and medium-sized enterprise businesses in Africa.

This power lies in STRIDE ERP – a robust Enterprise Resource Planning software developed by the Technology arm of RYTEGATE LIMITED. Stride ERP can integrate each department of an organization to foster smooth informational flow, providing access to data, as well as a better process for collecting and analyzing data, and as you are well aware – processed data equals information.

As your company increase in size, it is easy to outgrow existing processes and technology. Growing pains are a good problem to have, but like all other business challenges, these issues need to be addressed in order to continue on the path to a brighter future for your business. Luckily, Stride ERP is in all sense – The Future of Business Automation.

Circling back to the subject of power, since the system integrates all departments within your firm, you can leverage its ability to produce accurate financial reports.

What this means is that you will gain access to the balance sheet, chart of accounts, profits and loss reports, budget management, bank accounts, sales, expense records, payrolls, account receivable and payables, audit trials (know who did what and when), and many other robust finance management tools all in one system.

Finance administration with Stride ERP.

I could go on to list more features of STRIDE ERP in finance management that will amaze you, but, you might end up thinking the system only caters to the financial needs of organizations. In which case you will be wrong, because the solution is diverse and covers all your business departments with industry best practices and flexibility to accommodate your current process, giving you all the power.

I told you this article will change how you perceive your business.

Before Stride, you had to call for meetings or wait till the end of the month to get some of these records mentioned earlier – and that is if your bookkeeper(s) is/are good, but now, you will have the power to make informed decisions about your business without all those books.

All you need is a Smartphone, Tablet, or a PC, and your business cap.

But wait, let me clarify that files, documents, receipts, and ledgers of past transactions can be uploaded to Stride and printed/downloaded at any time.

So, do your dues diligence, check out and start a new chapter in your business, one where you have absolute power.

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